Getting a good Google Speed score

More importance is being placed on speed so to ensure we achieve high scores on Google Speed test please follow the below:

  • ensure you add widths and heights on images during build
  • ensure you set image sizes via functions so i.e. the client can’t upload a 4000px image for an area which only needs a 200px image etc
  • use SVGs where-ever you can
  • for animate on scroll (AOS), do not put this on the header or the above fold content, i.e. see
  • add scripts via the footer wherever you can
  • don’t load unnecessary scripts, i.e. the Google Map JS should only be loaded as and when needed, for example load it within the block
  • if loading heavy scripts like chat plugins delay the load of them, i.e. on the Gooey site we use HubSpot chat, delaying the load of this for 5 seconds increased the score by 5
  • install WP Rocket (via the instructions and logins sent around April 2021)
  • test in Google Chrome incognito mode, and test for mobile first.